RYA Radar Course Syllabus
1. Basic understanding of radar wave propagation
- Conditions giving rise to abnormal propagation
2. Radar set components
- Function and correct use of controls
- Correct setting up procedure
3. Target definition and discrimination
- Spot size, pulse length and beam width
- Target characteristics, size, shape, material
- False echoes
- Shadow sectors, shadow diagram
4. Radar reflectors
5. Types of radar display
6. Radar plotting
- The use of radar to avoid a close quarter situation
- Appreciation of IRPCS, action to be taken in reduced visibility
- General precautions and action to be taken in fog
7. Use of radar as an aid to navigation
- Radar-conspicuous targets, need for positive identification
- Parallel indexing (if provided)
8. Accuracy in range and bearing
- PPI distortion. Non-linearity
- Heading marker alignment
- Checking accuracy of VRM, EBL etc
9. General safety precautions in using equipment