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2 day RYA/ISAF World Sailing Offshore Safety Course


We provide shore-based training for recreational and racing skippers and crews, taking part in offshore events. The 2 day RYA/ISAF World Sailing Offshore Safety Course is a hands on course designed to provide the skills and knowledge needed to handle offshore emergencies. The certificate awarded conforms with the eligibility requirements of section 6.01 of the ISAF Special Regulations for category 0, 1 and some category 2 offshore races.



RYA First Aid Course RYA First Aid

RYA First Aid Course

Valid for 3 years, this certificate meets the requirements for those taking the Yachtmaster Coastal or Offshore exam. Courses run monthly.

ISAF Helicopter Hi-line Transfer ISAF One Day Safety

RYA World Sailing Offshore Personal Survival Course

The one day course which covers ISAF Offshore Special Regulation 6.01 for category 0, 1 and some 2 races. Fastnet and Offshore racing qualification.

Next Course 15th February 2025 - £135
Basic Sea Survival Course - Righting a liferaft One Day Sea Survival

RYA Basic Sea Survival Course

The one day course for yachtsmen and women. Suitible for RORC, ISAF and Commercial endorsements.
