RYA-MCA Yachtmaster Courses

RYA / MCA Yachtmaster Exam Preparation Courses

There are three RYA MCA Examinations available 

RYA / MCA Coastal Skipper Certificate of Competency details..

RYA / MCA Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competency details..

RYA / MCA Yachtmaster Ocean Certificate of Competency details..

Exam Candidates should hold an in-date First Aid certificate and a Short Range Certificate or VHF licence.

Pre-exam mileage and experience requirements are laid down in the RYA G15 cruising logbook.

Exam preparation courses are run throughout the year from our Solent based sailing schools on the Hamble river.

Contact + 44 (0) 2380457733

"Although we worked pretty hard during the week, I still didn't feel ready to take the exam. Looking back on it now I'm not really sure why I was so nervous. Everything we had learnt came good and thanks to Tim's excellent instruction I passed the exam and now have my Yachtmaster Coastal ticket - Thank you Tim" Callum, Stroud, Gloucestershire

Yachtmaster Training - How to manage your crew RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Coastal

RYA Yachtmaster Coastal Exam Preparation Course

5 Days Exam brush up course followed by the MCA/RYA Yachtmaster Exam

Solent based sailing RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore

RYA Yachtmaster Offshore Exam Preparation Course

Spend five days brushing up, practicing and being coached by one of our top RYA Yachtmaster Instructors followed by the RYA / MCA examinaton
